3. You can repeat the procedure on
the section list to produce a third list of articles in each
section. See that the section FOOD is lit up and another popup of
articles in that section appears to its right.
4. This time, when you've selected your article and it lights up, click on it to take you there.
5. Here is another way to display
the entire list of sections under each category heading. Select
MORE at the bottom of the list and when it lights up, click on it.
6. A new page will appear showing only that category and all its sections.
7. Place your cursor over the
desired section and the appropriate article list will pop up to the
right. Select an article on the list and click on it to be taken there.
8. Here is another way to navigate. Select ARTICLE ARCHIVE in the bottom toolbar and click on it.
9. The entire list of categories, sections, and articles will appear. Select and article and
click on it to be taken there.
10. There is one more way to
search for articles using the KEYWORD SEARCH found in the bottom
toolbar. Move your cursor over it and when it lights up, click on it.
11. In the entry field type
anything you think will winkle out what you might be looking for.
Here we have entered PFI (the official abbreviation of the Plain Food
Institute) to find all the food articles which came from that venerable
12. We've found seven articles.
Clicking on one of them will take you to that article.
Now you know all there is to know about finding articles on
mykosherhome.com. We hope you'll be looking happily for years to