Near the top of the short order world,
the chili dog is hard to beat. It's dead easy to make, but the
chili has got to be good and spicy. Here's what you'll
need: all-beef frankfurters, fresh buns, an assortment of
relishes, mustard, and ketchup, chopped onions, and of course some good
hot chili.
We're not going to tell you how to
make this chili...lots of chili powder and chili peppers. When
finished, there's a deep carnelian layer of grease on top which can
barely be stirred in. We do know that on Chili Day at the Plain
Food Institute nobody says they don't want to be fleischig.
Another essential part of a good
chili dog (hot dog, hamburger, or any other kind of sandwich) is a good
fried bun. Sprinkle a little olive oil on a griddle, slit and
fold back the buns, place on the griddle till...
...nearly golden brown.
In the meantime grill the frankfurters till they begin to split and puff up, but not till they're black.
Load in the freshly chopped onions.
mustard or
Then, spoon in the hot pays to use big buns. Yes, there are beans...sometimes we use them, sometimes we don't.
And, Buster, there's your 'dog!
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